S24: Virginia Rounds Griffiths (B) Digestive Health

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Order summary


S24: Virginia Rounds Griffiths (B) Digestive Health

1. Teeth, Tongue, Gums & Mouth Cavity Healing - Silent MP3
2. Esophagus & Stomach Healing - Silent MP3
3. Gallbladder, Liver & Pancreas Healing - Silent MP3
4. Small & Large Intestines cleared and balanced - Silent MP3
5. Digestive Hormones & Enzyme Restored to optimum levels - Silent MP3
6. Microbiome Reset & Inflammation Release - Silent MP3
7. Antibiotics & Medication Damage - Silent MP3
8. Food Intolerances & Allergies - Silent MP3
9. Blood Toxins & Skin Issues - Silent MP3
10. Candida Overgrowth & Leaky Gut - Silent MP3
11. Vagus and Enteric Nervous System - Silent MP3
12. 4 X 45 Minute Recorded Group Calls

13. BONUS 1: MP3 for Chronic Small & Large Intestine Diseases

14. 90 Days of Remote Healing

Total due $197

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