S23: Robin Friedman (VIP) Radiant Health Mastery

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S23: Robin Friedman (VIP) Radiant Health Mastery

The Energetic Blueprint for Ease and Abundance is a 9-module program to help you learn to master your own energy system.

Module 1 - Basics of our Energy System and how to Tell What’s Out of Balance
Module 2 - Clearing the First Chakra - Moving from Fear to Freedom
Module 3 - Clearing the Second Chakra - From Shame and Constriction to Joy
Module 4 - Clearing the Third Chakra - Moving from Insecurity to Confidence
Module 5 - Clearing the Fourth Chakra - From Isolated to Loving
Module 6 - Clearing the Fifth Chakra - From Stifled to Empowered Creating
Module 7 - Clearing the Sixth Chakra - From Confusion to Clarity
Module 8 - Clearing the Seventh Chakra - From Disconnection to Connection and Flow
Module 9 - Bonus module!

Total due $197

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