• Edwin-product-image-integration

S24: Edwin Spina (Add on) Higher Self Integration

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25-minute Private Session with Edwin

In this session you will first receive a Personal Energy Center Clearing and Higher Self Integration session that includes:

In addition, with your Higher Self Integration, you will:

  • Purge …

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25-minute Private Session with Edwin

In this session you will first receive a Personal Energy Center Clearing and Higher Self Integration session that includes:

In addition, with your Higher Self Integration, you will:

  • Purge fears, traumas and pains from your current and past lives as well as from your DNA

  • Raise your vibration and elevate your being to a higher level of consciousness

  • Discard energies that are not of the highest and best good for you

  • Eliminate all energetic debris that is flushed from your being

  • Facilitate your Higher Self merging completely with your body, mind and spirit

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25-minute Private Session with Edwin

In this session you will first receive a Personal Energy Center Clearing and Higher Self Integration session that includes:

In addition, with your Higher Self Integration, you will:

  • Purge …

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25-minute Private Session with Edwin

In this session you will first receive a Personal Energy Center Clearing and Higher Self Integration session that includes:

In addition, with your Higher Self Integration, you will:

  • Purge fears, traumas and pains from your current and past lives as well as from your DNA

  • Raise your vibration and elevate your being to a higher level of consciousness

  • Discard energies that are not of the highest and best good for you

  • Eliminate all energetic debris that is flushed from your being

  • Facilitate your Higher Self merging completely with your body, mind and spirit

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